Today's word was provided by Wordsmith:
backronym (BAK-ro-nim) noun
A word re-interpreted as an acronym.
[Compound of back + acronym.]
In a backronym, an expansion is invented to treat an existing word as an acronym. An example is the PERL programming language whose name is now explained as an acronym of Practical Extraction and Report Language.
When naming, sometimes a suitable name is chosen and then an acronym is retrofitted on top of it: USA PATRIOT Act (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism). The clunkiness of the expansion is a quick giveaway. How about forming a backronym for ACRONYM itself: A Contrived Result Of Nomenclature Yielding Mechanism?
I have been quite industrious in the past few days, so much so that I did not want to slow down to blog. Plus, I had some business to attend to. My latest infatuation is beading and I cranked out a good many interesting necklaces this weekend. I had planned a big photo shoot so that I could post pics of them all today, but this is what was going on during my photo shoot:
That is Marlow, a.k.a. "Peep" since he trounces around making odd peep-like noises. Like most orange cats he is tres affectionate (currently he is sitting next to my keyboard nudging me and poking at the screen. Our other orange cat, Chester Polyester, went missing for two nights, this just after a neighbor stopped by to say she saw a coyote in our front yard. My trusty husband sent out an All Points Bulletin to our neighborhood email list and shortly thereafter, I got a call.
Mrs. Weatherly: "Does your orange cat have white feet?"
Dixie" "Yes"
Mrs. W" "Well, he's under my bed."
When I arrived to collect my erstwhile feline he was happily mincing around Mrs. W's living room. Chester is now home safe and sound napping happily under the bird feeder. I digress, back to my beading. The net result of my ill fated photo shoot was one decent picture. I will post more later when I have some help from another human.
As you will see, my vintage buttons are serving a wonderful purpose these days. This button was one of my all time favorites and seemed to go perfectly with these polka dotted beads. I have been sporting some of my creations about and two of my neighbors insisted that I make some more and sell them, and so I shall. More pictures tomorrow.
I snagged a ton of booty at my new favorite store: Kmart. Martha has some lovely vintage-esque tea towels out this fall. I would post them, but some are going in secret gifty packages and I don't want to give away the surprise any more than I already have.
I am off to try to use backronym. I get to visit with my good pal Ruth today, who also happens to be one of the smartest people I know (can you say uber mensa?) and surely I can pop it in to casual conversation and impress her. Probably not, since we just like to gossip.
I almost forgot self portrait Tuesday. I take horridly horrific pictures. Truly, I am the most unphotogenic person I know. As one vendor said when checking my i.d., "Geez, what did they do, come sit you up in bed and take your picture?" Anyhoo, here I am with many body parts showing. This is one of those unpresentable pictures from my jewelry photo shoot - I was trying to keep my straggly hair out of the picture and came up with this slightly fuzzy shot.